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Winter Wonderland ✨❄️✨


Good Night World

Welp... I'm sorry about yesterday? I really didn't have the mental energy to form a sentence correctly, I'm so stressed. First off about the Article 13 (Remember #SaveYourInternet on twitter) because that ain't right and it could ruin mine and other people lives, second, now tumblr wants to pull some family friendly shit, banning all Not Safe For Work stuff (While neo nazis, pedos, necrophiliacs, zoophiles are still alive and kicking, I know, wild) and that stresses me out too, because oh my god, you have to be at least 13 to have an email, why do people want to censor everything? You start to fap at 13! For fuck's sake. So yeah, tumblr is on fire and the freedom of the web is endangered, I'm stressed.


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